greatest inventions of 2014

Founders of top 100 inventions

Greatest inventions of all time

The greatest inventions of all time have profoundly shaped the course of human history and continue to influence our daily lives. From the invention of the wheel, which revolutionized transportation and trade, to the printing press, which democratized knowledge and spurred the Renaissance, each innovation has left an indelible mark. Electricity transformed communication and industry, while the internet connected the world in ways unimaginable just a few decades ago. These inventions not only reflect human creativity and ingenuity but also demonstrate our relentless pursuit of progress and improvement.

  1. Founder of Wheel
    • Inventor: Unknown
    • Year: ~3500 BCE
    • Country: Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq)
  2. Founder of Printing Press
    • Inventor: Johannes Gutenberg
    • Year: 1440
    • Country: Germany
  3. Founder of Electricity
    • Inventor: Benjamin Franklin (key discoveries)
    • Year: 1752
    • Country: USA
  4. Founder of Telephone
    • Inventor: Alexander Graham Bell
    • Year: 1876
    • Country: USA
  5. Founder of Light Bulb
    • Inventor: Thomas Edison
    • Year: 1879
    • Country: USA
  6. Founder of Internet
    • Inventor: ARPANET team
    • Year: 1969
    • Country: USA
  7. Founder of Personal Computer
    • Inventor: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak (Apple I)
    • Year: 1976
    • Country: USA
  8. Founder of Airplane
    • Inventors: Wright Brothers
    • Year: 1903
    • Country: USA
  9. Founder of Penicillin
    • Inventor: Alexander Fleming
    • Year: 1928
    • Country: UK
  10. Founder of Automobile
    • Inventor: Karl Benz (modern car)
    • Year: 1886
    • Country: Germany
  11. Founder of Camera
    • Inventor: Joseph Nicéphore Niépce
    • Year: 1816 (first photograph)
    • Country: France
  12. Founder of Radio
    • Inventor: Guglielmo Marconi
    • Year: 1895
    • Country: Italy
  13. Founder of Television
    • Inventor: Philo Farnsworth
    • Year: 1927
    • Country: USA
  14. Founder of Steam Engine
    • Inventor: James Watt
    • Year: 1765
    • Country: Scotland
  15. Founder of Refrigeration
    • Inventor: Carl von Linde
    • Year: 1876
    • Country: Germany
  16. Founder of Vaccination
    • Inventor: Edward Jenner
    • Year: 1796
    • Country: UK
  17. Founder of Nuclear Reactor
    • Inventor: Enrico Fermi
    • Year: 1942
    • Country: USA
  18. Founder of DNA Double Helix Structure
    • Inventors: James Watson and Francis Crick
    • Year: 1953
    • Country: UK/USA
  19. Founder of Microscope
    • Inventor: Zacharias Janssen
    • Year: 1590
    • Country: Netherlands
  20. Founder of Telescope
    • Inventor: Hans Lippershey
    • Year: 1608
    • Country: Netherlands
  21. Founder of Battery
    • Inventor: Alessandro Volta
    • Year: 1800
    • Country: Italy
  22. Founder of Antibiotics
    • Inventor: Alexander Fleming (Penicillin)
    • Year: 1928
    • Country: UK
  23. Founder of Solar Power
    • Inventor: Edmond Becquerel (Photovoltaic effect)
    • Year: 1839
    • Country: France
  24. Founder of Internet Protocol (IP)
    • Inventors: Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn
    • Year: 1974
    • Country: USA
  25. Founder of Laser
    • Inventors: Arthur Schawlow and Charles Townes
    • Year: 1960
    • Country: USA
  26. Founder of Credit Card
    • Inventor: Frank McNamara (Diners Club)
    • Year: 1950
    • Country: USA
  27. Founder of Barometer
    • Inventor: Evangelista Torricelli
    • Year: 1643
    • Country: Italy
  28. Founder of Photography
    • Inventor: Louis Daguerre
    • Year: 1839
    • Country: France
  29. Founder of X-rays
    • Inventor: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
    • Year: 1895
    • Country: Germany
  30. Founder of Insulin
    • Inventors: Frederick Banting and Charles Best
    • Year: 1921
    • Country: Canada
  31. Founder of Fiber Optics
    • Inventor: Narinder Singh Kapany
    • Year: 1954
    • Country: India/USA
  32. Founder of Smartphone
    • Inventors: Steve Jobs and Apple team (iPhone)
    • Year: 2007
    • Country: USA
  33. Founder of Wireless Communication
  34. Founder of Artificial Intelligence
    • Key Figures: Alan Turing, John McCarthy
    • Year: 1950s
    • Country: UK/USA
  35. Founder of Pacemaker
    • Inventor: Wilson Greatbatch
    • Year: 1958
    • Country: USA
  36. Founder of Electric Motor
    • Inventor: Michael Faraday
    • Year: 1821
    • Country: UK
  37. Founder of GPS
    • Inventors: U.S. Department of Defense
    • Year: 1973
    • Country: USA
  38. Founder of Rubber Vulcanization
    • Inventor: Charles Goodyear
    • Year: 1839
    • Country: USA
  39. Founder of Braille
    • Inventor: Louis Braille
    • Year: 1824
    • Country: France
  40. Founder of Dynamite
    • Inventor: Alfred Nobel
    • Year: 1867
    • Country: Sweden
  41. Founder of Stethoscope
    • Inventor: René Laennec
    • Year: 1816
    • Country: France
  42. Founder of Velcro
    • Inventor: George de Mestral
    • Year: 1955
    • Country: Switzerland
  43. Founder of Morse Code
    • Inventor: Samuel Morse
    • Year: 1837
    • Country: USA
  44. Founder of Concrete
    • Inventors: Romans (modern reinforced concrete by Joseph Monier)
    • Year: 1849 (reinforced concrete)
    • Country: France
  45. Founder of Solar Panel
    • Inventor: Bell Labs team
    • Year: 1954
    • Country: USA
  46. Founder of Artificial Heart
    • Inventor: Robert Jarvik (Jarvik-7)
    • Year: 1982
    • Country: USA
  47. Founder of Electric Guitar
    • Inventor: George Beauchamp (Rickenbacker)
    • Year: 1931
    • Country: USA
  48. Founder of World Wide Web
    • Inventor: Tim Berners-Lee
    • Year: 1989
    • Country: UK
  49. Founder of Genetic Engineering
    • Inventors: Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen
    • Year: 1973
    • Country: USA
  50. Founder of Plastic
    • Inventor: Leo Baekeland (Bakelite)
    • Year: 1907
    • Country: USA
  51. Founder of Electricity Generation
    • Inventor: Michael Faraday
    • Year: 1831
    • Country: UK
  52. Founder of Flushing Toilet
    • Inventor: John Harington
    • Year: 1596
    • Country: UK
  53. Founder of Steam Locomotive
    • Inventor: George Stephenson
    • Year: 1814
    • Country: UK
  54. Founder of Cotton Gin
    • Inventor: Eli Whitney
    • Year: 1793
    • Country: USA
  55. Founder of Safety Elevator
    • Inventor: Elisha Otis
    • Year: 1852
    • Country: USA
  56. Founder of Seismograph
    • Inventor: Zhang Heng
    • Year: 132
    • Country: China
  57. Founder of Hypodermic Needle
    • Inventor: Charles Gabriel Pravaz
    • Year: 1853
    • Country: France
  58. Founder of Antiseptics
    • Inventor: Joseph Lister
    • Year: 1867
    • Country: UK
  59. Founder of Anesthesia
    • Inventor: William Morton
    • Year: 1846
    • Country: USA
  60. Founder of Contact Lenses
    • Inventor: Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick
    • Year: 1888
    • Country: Germany
  61. Founder of Quantum Mechanics
    • Key Figures: Max Planck, Albert Einstein
    • Year: 1900s
    • Country: Germany
  62. Founder of Cloning
    • Key Achievement: Dolly the Sheep (Ian Wilmut team)
    • Year: 1996
    • Country: UK
  63. Founder of Microwave Oven
    • Inventor: Percy Spencer
    • Year: 1945
    • Country: USA
  64. Founder of Ultrasound
    • Inventor: Ian Donald
    • Year: 1958
    • Country: UK
  65. Founder of Holography
    • Inventor: Dennis Gabor
    • Year: 1947
    • Country: Hungary
  66. Founder of Electricity Distribution
    • Inventor: Nikola Tesla (AC power)
    • Year: 1880s
    • Country: USA/Serbia
  67. Founder of LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)
    • Inventor: George Heilmeier
    • Year: 1968
    • Country: USA
  68. Founder of 3D Printing
    • Inventor: Chuck Hull
    • Year: 1984
    • Country: USA
  69. Founder of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)
    • Inventors: Paul Lauterbur and Peter Mansfield
    • Year: 1973
    • Country: USA/UK
  70. Founder of Polio Vaccine
    • Inventor: Jonas Salk
    • Year: 1955
    • Country: USA
  71. Founder of Bluetooth
    • Inventor: Jaap Haartsen (Ericsson team)
    • Year: 1994
    • Country: Sweden
  72. Founder of LED (Light Emitting Diode)
    • Inventor: Nick Holonyak
    • Year: 1962
    • Country: USA
  73. Founder of Nanotechnology
    • Key Figure: Richard Feynman
    • Year: 1959
    • Country: USA
  74. Founder of Google Search Engine
    • Inventors: Larry Page and Sergey Brin
    • Year: 1998
    • Country: USA
  75. Founder of Smart Grid
    • Inventor: Multiple contributors
    • Year: 2000s
    • Country: USA
  76. Founder of Wind Turbine
    • Inventor: Poul la Cour (modern design)
    • Year: 1891
    • Country: Denmark
  77. Founder of Electric Car
    • Inventor: Robert Anderson (first crude electric vehicle)
    • Year: 1832
    • Country: Scotland
  78. Founder of Hovercraft
    • Inventor: Christopher Cockerell
    • Year: 1956
    • Country: UK
  79. Founder of Compact Disc (CD)
    • Inventors: James Russell, Sony and Philips
    • Year: 1982
    • Country: USA/Japan/Netherlands
  80. Founder of Supercomputer
    • Inventor: Seymour Cray
    • Year: 1964 (CDC 6600)
    • Country: USA
  81. Founder of VHS (Video Home System)
    • Inventor: JVC team
    • Year: 1976
    • Country: Japan
  82. Founder of Smartwatch
    • Inventor: Multiple contributors (Pebble, Apple)
    • Year: 2012 (Pebble)
    • Country: USA
  83. Founder of Artificial Intelligence in Medicine
    • Key Figure: Fei-Fei Li
    • Year: 2010s
    • Country: USA
  84. Founder of Augmented Reality
    • Key Development: Google Glass
    • Year: 2013
    • Country: USA
  85. Founder of Virtual Reality
    • Key Development: Oculus Rift (Palmer Luckey)
    • Year: 2012
    • Country: USA
  86. Founder of Gene Editing (CRISPR)
    • Inventors: Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier
    • Year: 2012
    • Country: USA/France
  87. Founder of Blockchain
    • Inventor: Satoshi Nakamoto (pseudonym)
    • Year: 2008
    • Country: Unknown
  88. Founder of Electric Kettle
    • Inventor: Arthur Leslie Large
    • Year: 1922
    • Country: UK
  89. Founder of Wind-up Radio
    • Inventor: Trevor Baylis
    • Year: 1991
    • Country: UK
  90. Founder of Drone
    • Key Development: Military and commercial use (General Atomics)
    • Year: 1994 (Predator drone)
    • Country: USA
  91. Founder of CCTV
    • Inventor: Walter Bruch
    • Year: 1942
    • Country: Germany
  92. Founder of Smart Home Technology
    • Inventors: Various (Nest Labs, Amazon Echo)
    • Year: 2010s
    • Country: USA
  93. Founder of Electric Toothbrush
    • Inventor: Philippe-Guy Woog
    • Year: 1954
    • Country: Switzerland
  94. Founder of Heart-Lung Machine
    • Inventor: John Gibbon
    • Year: 1953
    • Country: USA
  95. Founder of PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)
    • Inventor: Kary Mullis
    • Year: 1983
    • Country: USA
  96. Founder of E-book Reader
    • Inventor: Michael Hart (Project Gutenberg)
    • Year: 1971 (concept), 1998 (Rocket eBook)
    • Country: USA
  97. Founder of Nuclear Power Plant
    • Inventor: Enrico Fermi
    • Year: 1954 (Obninsk)
    • Country: Russia/USA
  98. Founder of Space Shuttle
    • Inventors: NASA team
    • Year: 1981
    • Country: USA
  99. Founder of Smart Thermostat
  • Inventor: Nest Labs team
  • Year: 2011
  • Country: USA

100. Reusable Rocket

  • Inventor: SpaceX team (Elon Musk) –
  • Year: 2015
  • Country: USA

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