Founder of Countries

Founders Of All Countries


  1. Founder Of Algeria – Independence from France in 1962; Ahmed Ben Bella. 
    Ahmed Ben Bella
  2. Founder Of Angola – Independence from Portugal in 1975; Agostinho Neto.Agostinho Neto Founder of Angola
  3. Founder Of Benin – Independence from France in 1960.Founder of Benin
  4. Founder Of Botswana – Independence from the UK in 1966; Seretse Khama.

    Founder of Botswana

  5. Founder Of Burkina Faso – Independence from France in 1960; Maurice Yaméogo.

    Maurice Yaméogo

  6. Founder Of Burundi – Independence from Belgium in 1962; Prince Louis Rwagasore.Prince Louis Rwagasore
  7. Founder Of Cabo Verde – Independence from Portugal in 1975; Amílcar Cabral.Amílcar Cabral
  8. Founder Of Cameroon – Independence from France and the UK in 1960/1961.
  9. Founder Of Central African Republic – Independence from France in 1960; Barthélemy Boganda.
  10. Founder Of Chad – Independence from France in 1960; François Tombalbaye.
  11. Founder Of Comoros – Independence from France in 1975.
  12. Founder Of Democratic Republic of the Congo – Independence from Belgium in 1960; Patrice Lumumba.
  13. Founder Of Djibouti – Independence from France in 1977; Hassan Gouled Aptidon.
  14. Founder Of Egypt – Ancient civilization unified around 3100 BCE by Pharaoh Narmer (Menes).
  15. Founder Of Equatorial Guinea – Independence from Spain in 1968.
  16. Founder Of Eritrea – Independence from Ethiopia in 1993; Isaias Afwerki.
  17. Founder Of Eswatini – Independence from the UK in 1968; King Sobhuza II.
  18. Founder Of Ethiopia – Ancient nation; modern state established in 1974 after the Derg regime.
  19. Founder Of Gabon – Independence from France in 1960.
  20. Founder Of Gambia – Independence from the UK in 1965; Dawda Jawara.
  21. Founder Of Ghana – Independence from the UK in 1957; Kwame Nkrumah.
  22. Founder Of Guinea – Independence from France in 1958; Ahmed Sékou Touré.
  23. Founder Of Guinea-Bissau – Independence from Portugal in 1973/1974; Amílcar Cabral.
  24. Founder Of Ivory Coast (Côte d’Ivoire) – Independence from France in 1960; Félix Houphouët-Boigny.
  25. Founder Of Kenya – Independence from the UK in 1963; Jomo Kenyatta.
  26. Founder Of Lesotho – Independence from the UK in 1966; King Moshoeshoe II.
  27. Founder Of Liberia – Founded by freed American slaves in 1847; Joseph Jenkins Roberts.
  28. Founder Of Libya – Independence from Italy in 1951; King Idris.
  29. Founder Of Madagascar – Independence from France in 1960; Philibert Tsiranana.
  30. Founder Of Malawi – Independence from the UK in 1964; Hastings Banda.
  31. Founder Of Mali – Independence from France in 1960; Modibo Keita.
  32. Founder Of Mauritania – Independence from France in 1960; Moktar Ould Daddah.
  33. Founder Of Mauritius – Independence from the UK in 1968; Seewoosagur Ramgoolam.
  34. Founder Of Morocco – Independence from France and Spain in 1956; King Mohammed V.
  35. Founder Of Mozambique – Independence from Portugal in 1975; Samora Machel.
  36. Founder Of Namibia – Independence from South Africa in 1990; Sam Nujoma.
  37. Founder Of Niger – Independence from France in 1960; Hamani Diori.
  38. Founder Of Nigeria – Independence from the UK in 1960; Nnamdi Azikiwe.
  39. Founder Of Rwanda – Independence from Belgium in 1962; Gregoire Kayibanda.
  40. Founder Of Sao Tome and Principe – Independence from Portugal in 1975.
  41. Founder Of Senegal – Independence from France in 1960; Léopold Sédar Senghor.
  42. Founder Of Seychelles – Independence from the UK in 1976.
  43. Founder Of Sierra Leone – Independence from the UK in 1961; Milton Margai.
  44. Founder Of Somalia – Independence from Italy and the UK in 1960; Aden Abdullah Osman Daar.
  45. Founder Of South Africa – Union formed in 1910; modern state with Nelson Mandela as a key figure in 1994.
  46. Founder Of South Sudan – Independence from Sudan in 2011; Salva Kiir Mayardit.
  47. Founder Of Sudan – Independence from Egypt and the UK in 1956.
  48. Founder Of Tanzania – Independence from the UK in 1961/1964; Julius Nyerere.
  49. Founder Of Togo – Independence from France in 1960; Sylvanus Olympio.
  50. Founder Of Tunisia – Independence from France in 1956; Habib Bourguiba.
  51. Founder Of Uganda – Independence from the UK in 1962; Milton Obote.
  52. Founder Of Zambia – Independence from the UK in 1964; Kenneth Kaunda.
  53. Founder Of Zimbabwe – Independence from the UK in 1980; Robert Mugabe.


  1. Founder Of Afghanistan – Modern state established in 1919; Amanullah Khan.
  2. Founder Of Armenia – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991; Levon Ter-Petrosyan.
  3. Founder Of Azerbaijan – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991; Ayaz Mutallibov.
  4. Founder Of Bahrain – Declared independence from the UK in 1971; Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa.
  5. Founder Of Bangladesh – Independence from Pakistan in 1971; Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
  6. Founder Of Bhutan – Unified in the 17th century by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal; modern state established in 1907.
  7. Founder Of Brunei – Full independence from the UK in 1984; Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah.
  8. Founder Of Cambodia – Independence from France in 1953; Norodom Sihanouk.
  9. Founder Of China – People’s Republic of China founded in 1949 by Mao Zedong.
  10. Founder Of Cyprus – Independence from the UK in 1960; Archbishop Makarios III.
  11. Founder Of Georgia – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991; Zviad Gamsakhurdia.
  12. Founder Of India – Independence from the UK in 1947; key figures include Mahatma Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehru.
  13. Founder Of Indonesia – Independence from the Netherlands in 1945; Sukarno.
  14. Founder Of Iran – Modern state established after the 1979 revolution; Ruhollah Khomeini.
  15. Founder Of Iraq – Independence from the UK in 1932; Faisal I of Iraq.
  16. Founder Of Israel – Established in 1948; David Ben-Gurion.
  17. Founder Of Japan – Traditional founding by Emperor Jimmu in 660 BCE; modern state established during the Meiji Restoration in 1868.
  18. Founder Of Jordan – Independence from the UK in 1946; King Abdullah I.
  19. Founder Of Kazakhstan – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991; Nursultan Nazarbayev.
  20. Founder Of Kuwait – Independence from the UK in 1961; Sheikh Abdullah Al-Salim Al-Sabah.
  21. Founder Of Kyrgyzstan – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991; Askar Akayev.
  22. Founder Of Laos – Independence from France in 1953; Sisavang Vong.
  23. Founder Of Lebanon – Independence from France in 1943; Bechara El Khoury.
  24. Founder Of Malaysia – Formed in 1963 from the Federation of Malaya; Tunku Abdul Rahman.
  25. Founder Of Maldives – Independence from the UK in 1965; Ibrahim Nasir.
  26. Founder Of Mongolia – Declared independence from Qing China in 1911; modern state established in 1921; Damdin Sükhbaatar.
  27. Founder Of Myanmar (Burma) – Independence from the UK in 1948; Aung San.
  28. Founder Of Nepal – Unified by Prithvi Narayan Shah in 1768.
  29. Founder Of North Korea – Established in 1948; Kim Il-sung.
  30. Founder Of Oman – Modern state established in 1970; Sultan Qaboos.
  31. Founder Of Pakistan – Independence from the UK in 1947; Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
  32. Founder Of Philippines – Independence from the United States in 1946; Manuel Roxas.
  33. Founder Of Qatar – Independence from the UK in 1971; Sheikh Ahmad bin Ali Al Thani.
  34. Founder Of Saudi Arabia – Kingdom founded in 1932 by Abdulaziz Ibn Saud.
  35. Founder Of Singapore – Independence from Malaysia in 1965; Lee Kuan Yew.
  36. Founder Of South Korea – Established in 1948; Syngman Rhee.
  37. Founder Of Sri Lanka – Independence from the UK in 1948; Don Stephen Senanayake.
  38. Founder Of Syria – Independence from France in 1946.
  39. Founder Of Taiwan – Republic of China established in 1912; modern governance since 1949.
  40. Founder Of Tajikistan – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991; Rahmon Nabiyev.
  41. Founder Of Thailand – Never colonized; modern kingdom founded in 1238.
  42. Founder Of Turkmenistan – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991; Saparmurat Niyazov.
  43. Founder Of United Arab Emirates – Formed in 1971; Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan.
  44. Founder Of Uzbekistan – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991; Islam Karimov.
  45. Founder Of Vietnam – Independence declared from France in 1945; Ho Chi Minh.
  46. Founder Of Yemen – Unified in 1990 from North Yemen and South Yemen.


  1. Founder Of Albania – Independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1912; Ismail Qemali.
  2. Founder Of Andorra – Co-principality established in 1278.
  3. Founder Of Armenia – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991; Levon Ter-Petrosyan.
  4. Founder Of Austria – Modern republic established in 1955.
  5. Founder Of Belarus – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991; Stanislav Shushkevich.
  6. Founder Of Belgium – Independence from the Netherlands in 1830.
  7. Founder Of Bosnia and Herzegovina – Declared independence from Yugoslavia in 1992.
  8. Founder Of Bulgaria – Independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1908; modern state established in 1878.
  9. Founder Of Croatia – Declared independence from Yugoslavia in 1991; Franjo Tuđman.
  10. Founder Of Cyprus – Independence from the UK in 1960; Archbishop Makarios III.
  11. Founder Of Czech Republic – Formed in 1993 after the split of Czechoslovakia; Václav Havel.
  12. Founder Of Denmark – Unified in the 10th century; Gorm the Old.
  13. Founder Of Estonia – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991; Lennart Meri.
  14. Founder Of Finland – Independence from Russia in 1917; Carl Gustaf Emil Mannerheim.
  15. Founder Of France – Modern state emerged from the Treaty of Verdun in 843.
  16. Founder Of Georgia – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991; Zviad Gamsakhurdia.
  17. Founder Of Germany – Unified in 1871 under Otto von Bismarck; modern state reestablished in 1949.
  18. Founder Of Greece – Modern state established in 1830 after independence from the Ottoman Empire; Ioannis Kapodistrias.
  19. Founder Of Hungary – Modern state established in 1918 after the Austro-Hungarian Empire dissolved.
  20. Founder Of Iceland – Independence from Denmark in 1944.
  21. Founder Of Ireland – Independence from the UK in 1922; Michael Collins.
  22. Founder Of Italy – Unified in 1861; Giuseppe Garibaldi and Victor Emmanuel II.
  23. Founder Of Kosovo – Declared independence from Serbia in 2008.
  24. Founder Of Latvia – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.
  25. Founder Of Liechtenstein – Established as a principality in 1719.
  26. Founder Of Lithuania – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1990.
  27. Founder Of Luxembourg – Independence from the Netherlands in 1839.
  28. Founder Of Malta – Independence from the UK in 1964.
  29. Founder Of Moldova – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.
  30. Founder Of Monaco – Principality established in 1297.
  31. Founder Of Montenegro – Declared independence from Serbia and Montenegro in 2006.
  32. Founder Of Netherlands – Independence declared from Spain in 1581; recognized in 1648.
  33. Founder Of North Macedonia – Declared independence from Yugoslavia in 1991.
  34. Founder Of Norway – Independence from Sweden in 1905.
  35. Founder Of Poland – Modern state established in 1918 after World War I.
  36. Founder Of Portugal – Independence recognized in 1143.
  37. Founder Of Romania – Modern state established in 1859; independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1877.
  38. Founder Of Russia – Kievan Rus’ around 862 CE; modern Russia established in 1991.
  39. Founder Of San Marino – Founded in 301 CE by Saint Marinus.
  40. Founder Of Serbia – Modern state established in 1878.
  41. Founder Of Slovakia – Formed in 1993 after the split of Czechoslovakia.
  42. Founder Of Slovenia – Declared independence from Yugoslavia in 1991.
  43. Founder Of Spain – Unified in 1492 under Ferdinand and Isabella.
  44. Founder Of Sweden – Unified in the 12th century.
  45. Founder Of Switzerland – Confederation established in 1291.
  46. Founder Of Ukraine – Declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1991.
  47. Founder Of United Kingdom – Formed by the union of England and Scotland in 1707 under Queen Anne.
  48. Founder Of Vatican City – Established as an independent state in 1929.


  1. Founder Of Antigua and Barbuda – Independence from the UK in 1981.
  2. Founder Of Argentina – Independence from Spain in 1816; José de San Martín.
  3. Founder Of Bahamas – Independence from the UK in 1973.
  4. Founder Of Barbados – Independence from the UK in 1966; Errol Barrow.
  5. Founder Of Belize – Independence from the UK in 1981.
  6. Founder Of Bolivia – Independence from Spain in 1825; Simón Bolívar.
  7. Founder Of Brazil – Independence from Portugal in 1822; Dom Pedro I.
  8. Founder Of Canada – Confederation in 1867; John A. Macdonald.
  9. Founder Of Chile – Independence from Spain in 1818; Bernardo O’Higgins.
  10. Founder Of Colombia – Independence from Spain in 1810; Simón Bolívar.
  11. Founder Of Costa Rica – Independence from Spain in 1821.
  12. Founder Of Cuba – Independence from Spain in 1898; José Martí.
  13. Founder Of Dominica – Independence from the UK in 1978.
  14. Founder Of Dominican Republic – Independence from Haiti in 1844; Juan Pablo Duarte.
  15. Founder Of Ecuador – Independence from Spain in 1822; Simón Bolívar.
  16. Founder Of El Salvador – Independence from Spain in 1821.
  17. Founder Of Grenada – Independence from the UK in 1974.
  18. Founder Of Guatemala – Independence from Spain in 1821.
  19. Founder Of Guyana – Independence from the UK in 1966.
  20. Founder Of Haiti – Independence from France in 1804; Jean-Jacques Dessalines.
  21. Founder Of Honduras – Independence from Spain in 1821.
  22. Founder Of Jamaica – Independence from the UK in 1962.
  23. Founder Of Mexico – Independence from Spain in 1821; Miguel Hidalgo and Agustín de Iturbide.
  24. Founder Of Nicaragua – Independence from Spain in 1821.
  25. Founder Of Panama – Independence from Colombia in 1903.
  26. Founder Of Paraguay – Independence from Spain in 1811; José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia.
  27. Founder Of Peru – Independence from Spain in 1821; José de San Martín and Simón Bolívar.
  28. Founder Of Saint Kitts and Nevis – Independence from the UK in 1983.
  29. Founder Of Saint Lucia – Independence from the UK in 1979.
  30. Founder Of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – Independence from the UK in 1979.
  31. Founder Of Suriname – Independence from the Netherlands in 1975.
  32. Founder Of Trinidad and Tobago – Independence from the UK in 1962.
  33. Founder Of United States – Independence from the UK in 1776; key figures include George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams.
  34. Founder Of Uruguay – Independence from Brazil in 1825.
  35. Founder Of Venezuela – Independence from Spain in 1811; Simón Bolívar.


  1. Founder Of Australia – Federation in 1901; Edmund Barton.
  2. Founder Of Fiji – Independence from the UK in 1970.
  3. Founder Of Kiribati – Independence from the UK in 1979.
  4. Founder Of Marshall Islands – Independence from the US-administered UN Trust Territory in 1986.
  5. Founder Of Micronesia – Independence from the US-administered UN Trust Territory in 1986.
  6. Founder Of Nauru – Independence from the UN-administered trusteeship in 1968.
  7. Founder Of New Zealand – Treaty of Waitangi in 1840.
  8. Founder Of Palau – Independence from the US-administered UN Trust Territory in 1994.
  9. Founder Of Papua New Guinea – Independence from Australia in 1975.
  10. Founder Of Samoa – Independence from New Zealand-administered trusteeship in 1962.
  11. Founder Of Solomon Islands – Independence from the UK in 1978.
  12. Founder Of Tonga – Unified in the 10th century; Tupou I.
  13. Founder Of Tuvalu – Independence from the UK in 1978.
  14. Founder Of Vanuatu – Independence from France and the UK in 1980.


  1. Founder Of Antarctica – Not applicable. Antarctica is governed by the Antarctic Treaty System, signed in 1959.

Unrecognized and Partially Recognized States

  1. Founder Of Abkhazia – Declared independence from Georgia in 1999.
  2. Founder Of Kosovo – Declared independence from Serbia in 2008.
  3. Founder Of Northern Cyprus – Declared independence from Cyprus in 1983.
  4. Founder Of Palestine – Partially recognized state with limited international recognition; declared independence in 1988.
  5. Founder Of Somaliland – Declared independence from Somalia in 1991.
  6. Founder Of South Ossetia – Declared independence from Georgia in 1990.
  7. Founder Of Taiwan (Republic of China) – Governed independently but claimed by the People’s Republic of China.

Dependencies and Territories

  1. Founder Of Akrotiri and Dhekelia – British Overseas Territory on the island of Cyprus.
  2. Founder Of Anguilla – British Overseas Territory.
  3. Founder Of Bermuda – British Overseas Territory.
  4. Founder Of British Indian Ocean Territory – British Overseas Territory.
  5. Founder Of Cayman Islands – British Overseas Territory.
  6. Founder Of Christmas Island – Australian external territory.
  7. Founder Of Cocos (Keeling) Islands – Australian external territory.
  8. Founder Of Cook Islands – Self-governing territory in free association with New Zealand.
  9. Founder Of Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) – British Overseas Territory.
  10. Founder Of Faroe Islands – Self-governing territory within the Kingdom of Denmark.
  11. Founder Of French Polynesia – Overseas collectivity of France.
  12. Founder Of Gibraltar – British Overseas Territory.
  13. Founder Of Greenland – Self-governing territory within the Kingdom of Denmark.
  14. Founder Of Guam – Unincorporated territory of the United States.
  15. Founder Of Hong Kong – Special Administrative Region of China.
  16. Founder Of Macau – Special Administrative Region of China.
  17. Founder Of Montserrat – British Overseas Territory.
  18. Founder Of New Caledonia – Special collectivity of France.
  19. Founder Of Niue – Self-governing territory in free association with New Zealand.
  20. Founder Of Norfolk Island – Australian external territory.
  21. Founder Of Northern Mariana Islands – Unincorporated territory of the United States.
  22. Founder Of Pitcairn Islands – British Overseas Territory.
  23. Founder Of Puerto Rico – Unincorporated territory of the United States.
  24. Founder Of Saint Barthelemy – Overseas collectivity of France.
  25. Founder Of Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha – British Overseas Territory.
  26. Founder Of Saint Martin – Overseas collectivity of France.
  27. Founder Of Saint Pierre and Miquelon – Overseas collectivity of France.
  28. Founder Of Sint Maarten – Constituent country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
  29. Founder Of Tokelau – Dependent territory of New Zealand.
  30. Founder Of Turks and Caicos Islands – British Overseas Territory.
  31. Founder Of U.S. Virgin Islands – Unincorporated territory of the United States.
  32. Founder Of Wallis and Futuna – Overseas collectivity of France.

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