When Was Monopoly Invented

When Was Monopoly Invented

Most of us have played Monopoly for as long as we can remember. But When Was Monopoly Invented? Did you know that it was invented long before any of us were born? The story behind Monopoly is full of twists and surprises. Let’s take a simple journey through its timeline to see how this famous game came to life.

When Was Monopoly Invented?

Monopoly, as we know it today, was first commercially published in 1935 by Parker Brothers. However, the game’s origins date back earlier:

  • 1903: Elizabeth Magie created The Landlord’s Game, which was the precursor to Monopoly. She patented it in 1904 to demonstrate the effects of land monopolies and economic inequality.
  • In 1933, Charles Darrow refined and popularized the game that became Monopoly. He sold his version to Parker Brothers, who began mass production in 1935.

When Was Monopoly Invented

                                                                                      Monopoly’s Journey

  • 1903: Lizzie Magie invents a game called The Landlord’s Game.
  • 1904: The Landlord’s Game gets its first patent.
  • 1906: The first version of The Landlord’s Game is made.
  • 1909: Parker Brothers decide not to publish The Landlord’s Game.
  • 1914: A version of The Landlord’s Game is released in the UK.
  • 1924: Lizzie Magie patents a new version with street names.
  • 1932: Charles Darrow plays an Atlantic City version of The Landlord’s Game at a friend’s house.
  • 1934: Darrow starts selling his version, calling it Monopoly.
  • 1935: Parker Brothers buy the rights to Monopoly and sell 278,000 copies in the first year. They also buy the rights to The Landlord’s Game from Lizzie Magie for $500 to avoid legal issues.
  • 1973: The first Monopoly World Championship is held in New York.
  • 1974: Parker Brothers fight a legal battle over a game called Anti-Monopoly. This reveals Lizzie Magie’s role in creating the game.
  • 1991: Hasbro buys Parker Brothers and the rights to Monopoly.

Yes, Monopoly was originally invented by Elizabeth Magie in 1904. She made a game called The Landlord’s Game to show how bad it could be when a few people owned all the land and made money from it while others struggled. Her game was meant to promote the idea that land should belong to everyone, not just a few rich people.

Magie got a patent for her game in 1904. Later, Charles Darrow created a similar game, which he sold to Parker Brothers in the 1930s. Even though Darrow got most of the fame, Parker Brothers eventually bought Magie’s patent and recognized her work.

So yes, a woman came up with the idea that became Monopoly!

Homemade Monopoly Games Spread Around

After Elizabeth Magie invented The Landlord’s Game, people started making their own versions with small changes. Some used street names, while others just had dollar values. In the UK, the game was sold under the name Brer Fox an’ Brer Rabbit, but it was basically the same game.

Atlantic City and Monopoly’s Birth

In the 1920s, a version of The Landlord’s Game with Atlantic City street names became popular with Quakers in New Jersey. Charles Darrow played this version in 1932 at a friend’s house and liked it a lot. He copied the board and rules and began selling his own version in 1934, calling it Monopoly.

Parker Brothers and Monopoly’s Success

In 1935, Parker Brothers bought Monopoly from Darrow because it was selling so well. They also bought Elizabeth Magie’s original game for $500 to avoid any legal trouble. Sadly, Magie didn’t get much recognition, and Darrow became famous for the game.

Monopoly became a big hit, selling nearly 300,000 copies in 1935 and over 1.7 million copies the next year. Parker Brothers even made up a story about how the game helped Darrow become wealthy.

Legal Battles and Elizabeth Magie’s Discovery

In the 1970s, Ralph Anspach, who created Anti-Monopoly, had a legal battle with Parker Brothers. While researching, he found out about Elizabeth Magie’s story, which had been mostly forgotten.

Hasbro and Modern Monopoly

In 1991, Hasbro bought Parker Brothers and started making many new versions of Monopoly. They created themed editions, like Star Wars and The Walking Dead, and updated the game. In 2008, they added a speed die to make the game faster and made versions for younger players.

When Was Monopoly InventedMonopoly: A Quick Guide to the Rules

Monopoly can get complicated, especially with all the “house rules” people create. let’s take a look at the official rules.

Setting Up Monopoly

  1. Pick your token and place it on Go.
  2. Shuffle the Chance and Community Chest cards,
  3. Choose someone to be the Banker.
  4. Each player starts with $1,500 in Monopoly money. The Banker hands out:
    • 2 x $500, $100, $50
    • 6 x $20
    • 5 x $10, $5, $1

The Role of the Banker

The Banker plays like everyone else, but they also manage all the bank’s cash, properties, houses, and hotels. Keep your personal money separate from the bank’s cash!

The Goal

Your mission is to create a monopoly by owning properties and charging rent, forcing your opponents into bankruptcy.

How to Play

  1. Start by rolling the dice; the highest roller goes first.
  2. Move your token according to the dice, and take action based on where you land:
    • Unowned Property? You can buy it.
    • Owned Property? Pay rent to the owner.
    • Chance or Community Chest? Draw a card and follow the instructions.
    • Go to Jail? Head to Jail without passing Go or collecting $200.
    • Doubles? Roll again after completing your turn.

Buying and Selling Property

If you land on an available property, you can buy it from the bank. Once you own it, you can:

  • Charge rent to other players.
  • Buy houses and hotels to increase rent.
  • Sell property or mortgage it to raise cash.
  • Negotiate with other players for trades.

When you own all properties in one color, you can start building houses. Four houses let you upgrade to a hotel. You can sell properties back to the bank or to other players.


If you can’t pay a debt, sell your buildings or mortgage properties. If you’re completely out of cash, you forfeit everything to the player or bank you owe.

When Was Monopoly Invented

Going to Jail

There are three ways to go to Jail:

  1. Land on the Go to Jail space.
  2. Draw a Chance card telling you to go.
  3. Roll doubles three times in a row.

You can get out of Jail by:

  • Using a Get Out of Jail Free card.
  • Rolling doubles within three turns.
  • Paying a $50 fine.

Want to Speed Things Up?

  • Timed Game: Set a time limit and deal two properties to each player at the start. When time’s up, the wealthiest player wins.
  • Short Game: Deal two properties to each player at the beginning and use fewer houses to build a hotel.
  • Speed Die: Use the special Speed Die (included in newer sets) to make faster moves around the board.

This version is clear, easy to understand, and simplifies the gameplay process.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Monopoly

  1. How much money do you start with in Monopoly?

    • $1,500
  2. How to get free dice on Monopoly GO?

    • Complete tasks, watch ads, or claim daily rewards.
  3. Which best describes the availability of substitutes in a monopoly?

    • Very limited or none.
  4. How to win Monopoly?

    • Bankrupt all other players by owning properties and collecting rent.

      5. When did Monopoly GO come out?

  • 2023

    6. Three facts about Monopoly?

  • It was based on The Landlord’s Game by Elizabeth Magie in 1903.
  • Charles Darrow commercialized Monopoly in 1935.
  • Since then, people have printed the game in over 37 languages.

     7. What were the original Monopoly pieces?

The original pieces included tokens like an iron, top hat, thimble, and battleship.

        8. What was the original Monopoly board?

The original board featured property names based on Atlantic City, New Jersey.

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